Merchant Cash Site Inspections

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Merchant Cash Site Inspections

Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) is a type of funding option that helps small businesses access capital quickly. 
It is becoming increasingly popular due to its flexibility and convenience. 
However, before granting an MCA, lenders typically require a detailed report on the business and its surrounding area. 

Specifically geared towards the Merchant Cash Advance industry. TKS USA provides detailed reporting of the business and surrounding areas, MCA applicant, photos of interior/exterior and credit card terminals and if needed, TKS USA will complete a transaction while on-site.  

TKS USA will perform all or a portion of these verifications and will do so either announced or as a mystery shopper with the retailer never being aware we were even there.  

Customer using smart phone scanning for contactless payment at coffee shop.

With their comprehensive reports, lenders can get a better understanding of the applicant’s creditworthiness and potential for success with their MCA investment. 

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Each Merchant Cash Site Inspection is completed based on the MCA lender’s needs….. 24 hour turn around service.