Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy
We make this Privacy Policy available to you in order to inform you in detail about how we treat your personal data and protect your privacy and the information you provide us. If, in the future, we introduce changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you through this web page or by other means, so that you can be aware of the new privacy conditions that are adopted. We inform you below, in the form of questions and answers, of the conditions in which our entity processes your personal data: Who is responsible for the processing of your data? Identity: The Key to Success Innovating, SL CIF: B-84799162 Postal address: C/Chile 4, 28290 – Las Rozas (Madrid) Telephone: +34 916 308 575. Email: For what purpose do we process your personal data? We process the personal data you provide us with for the following purposes: The management of the relationship with the client and the billing and collection of services. The provision of data for this purpose by our clients is mandatory, preventing compliance with the contract in another case. Channel requests for information, suggestions and complaints that you may send us, contact the sender of the information, respond to your request or query and follow up later. The fact of providing the data for this purpose is voluntary, although, in case of not doing so, it will not be possible to respond to the request, query or claim. Therefore, the communication of your personal data for these purposes is a necessary requirement for us to be able to meet those requests. If you send us your CV, we will process it to have information on those people who wish to do an internship and/or work with us in order to be able to carry out the corresponding personnel selection processes. In the event that you become a friend or follower of ours on social networks, we will process your data to keep you informed of our activities and promotions through said channels. The fact of providing the data for this purpose is voluntary, although, if you do not do so, you will not be able to be our friend or follower on the corresponding social network. The categories of data that are processed for this purpose are identification data. For how long will we process your data? We only keep your data for the period of time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected, to comply with the legal obligations that are imposed on us and to attend to the possible responsibilities that may arise from compliance with the purpose for which the data was collected. collected. The data for the management of the relationship with customers and the billing and collection of services will be kept for this purpose during the entire time that the contract is in force. Once said relationship is terminated, where appropriate, the data may be kept for the time required by applicable law and until the possible responsibilities derived from the contract prescribe. The data of potential customers who do not contract our products or services will be deleted when it is confirmed that the contract will not be carried out. In the event that the prior relationship between the parties, not yet consummated, could cause eventual responsibilities, the data will be kept until they expire. The data processed to respond to requests, requests, queries or claims will be kept for the time necessary to respond to them and consider them definitively closed. Subsequently, they will be kept as a communications history for a period of one year, unless you request their deletion beforehand. The data that you provide us or that we obtain to take part in a specific open personnel selection process will be kept until said process is completed and canceled afterwards, unless the candidate is selected, in which case they will be incorporated into your employee file. If the candidates who are not selected want us to keep their CV for future selection processes, they must expressly request it by email. In the latter case, as well as when you spontaneously provide us with your CV, simply so that we take it into account in future selection processes, the data will be kept for a maximum of one year from the last update. You must keep the personal data you provide us updated; especially those related to training and professional experience. Sometimes, during the selection processes, you can go to job portals to find candidates that fit the professional profiles that are of interest to you, subject to the Privacy Policies of said platforms. The categories of personal data processed in these cases are the following: identification data, personal characteristics data, employment details data, academic and professional data and any other information that the candidate has published on the job portal or included in their CV . The data provided through social networks will be kept as long as you remain a friend or follower of ours on the corresponding platform. What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data? The legal basis for the processing of your data in case you are our client is the execution of the contract. The processing of personal data for the response to your requests for information, requests, queries and claims is based on the consent of the person concerned. Said consent can be withdrawn at any time, although this will not affect the legality of the treatments carried out previously. The legitimizing basis for the treatment of the CVs that you send us or that we obtain from employment platforms for a specific open personnel selection process is the existence of a pre-contractual relationship. Additionally, more data may be collected during interviews or selection processes, the treatment of which has the same foundation. The legal basis for the treatment of the data contained in your CV, when you have asked us to keep it after a selection process or that you have sent us spontaneously, is your consent, which can be revoked at any time. However, the data processing carried out previously will not lose its legality due to the fact that the consent has been revoked. The data provided through social networks will be processed on the legal basis of your consent, which may be revoked at any time, although this will not affect the legality of the treatments carried out previously. The categories of data processed are those requested in each case by the form or contract through which you provide us with your data. To which recipients will your data be communicated? The data will not be communicated to third parties, except for those transfers that must be made due to the current legislation. What are your rights when you provide us with your data? Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not we are processing personal data that concerns them. Interested persons have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. Under the conditions provided in the General Data Protection Regulation, interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data or its portability, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims. In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, the interested parties may oppose the processing of their data. If you have granted consent for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw it at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal. In these cases we will stop processing the data or, where appropriate, we will stop doing so for that specific purpose, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims. The aforementioned rights are characterized by the following: Its exercise is free, except in the case of manifestly unfounded or excessive requests (eg, repetitive nature), in which case a fee proportional to the administrative costs borne may be charged or refusal to act You can exercise the rights directly or through your legal representative or volunteer Your request must be answered within one month, although, taking into account the complexity and number of requests, the term can be extended for another two months. We have the obligation to inform you about the means to exercise these rights, which must be accessible and without being able to deny you the exercise of the right for the sole reason of opting for another means. If the request is submitted by electronic means, the information will be provided by electronic means when possible, unless you request otherwise. If, for any reason, the request is not processed, we will inform you, no later than one month, of the reasons for this and the possibility of claiming before a Control Authority In order to facilitate the exercise of the aforementioned rights, we provide below the links to the application form for each of them: Form exercise of the right of access Form for exercising the right of rectification Form to exercise the right of opposition Form to exercise the right of deletion (right “to be forgotten”) Form for exercising the right to limit processing Form of exercises of the right to portability Exercise form not to be subject to automated individual decisions All the aforementioned rights can be exercised through the means of contact that appear at the beginning of this clause. In all cases, we may request to prove your identity by attaching a photocopy or scanned copy of your ID or equivalent document, or a document proving representation, if the right is exercised through a representative. All the aforementioned rights can be exercised through the means of contact with the entity that appear at the beginning of this clause. Faced with any violation of your rights, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in your exercise, you can file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (contact details accessible at ), or another competent control authority. . You can also obtain more information about your rights by contacting these organizations. How do we protect your personal data? We are firmly committed to protecting the personal data we process. We use reasonably reliable and effective measures, controls and procedures of a physical, organizational and technological nature, aimed at preserving the integrity and security of your data and guaranteeing your privacy. In addition, all personnel with access to personal data have been trained and are aware of their obligations in relation to the processing of their personal data. In the case of the contracts that we sign with our suppliers, we include clauses in which they are required to maintain the duty of secrecy regarding the personal data to which they have had access by virtue of the order carried out, as well as to implement security measures. technical and organizational techniques necessary to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, availability and permanent resilience of the systems and services for the processing of personal data. All these security measures are reviewed periodically to ensure their adequacy and effectiveness. However, absolute security cannot be guaranteed and there is no security system that is impenetrable, therefore, in the event that any information subject to processing and under our control is compromised as a result of a security breach, we will take the adequate measures to investigate the incident, notify the Control Authority and, where appropriate, to those users who may have been affected so that they take the appropriate measures. What is your responsibility as the owner of the data? By providing us with your personal data, the person who does so guarantees that they are over 14 years of age and that the data provided is true, exact, complete and up-to-date. For these purposes, the interested party is responsible for the veracity of the data and must keep it properly updated so that it reflects their real situation, taking responsibility for false and inaccurate data that they may provide, as well as for damages, direct or indirect, which could be derived. If you provide data from third parties, you assume the responsibility of previously informing them of everything provided in article 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation under the conditions established in said precept.

Use of user information.

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Disclosure of user information.

Quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit moditempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem in reprehenderit moditempora incidunt ut labore et dolore.